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How to Write Cold Call Scripts (+ Examples)

Lead generation software helps you automate tasks and gain valuable insights into your audience, making it easier to create targeted and effective marketing campaigns. Learn how to find the best software for your business!

Mike Arnold


Let's be real – cold calling can feel like a soul-sucking slog. The dial tone, the awkward silences, the endless rejections... it's enough to make any salesperson want to crawl under their desk.

But here's the thing: when done right, cold calling isn't just effective, it's essential.

In fact, studies show that 69% of buyers have accepted cold calls from new providers in the last 12 months. That's a huge opportunity you could be missing out on.

So, how do you transform those dreaded cold calls into hot leads?

Well, you take the thinking out of it, systemize the process, and use your secret weapon: a killer script.

But not just any script – a script that speaks to your prospect's pain points and builds rapport. A script that compels them to take action.

45% of sales development representatives (SDRs) cite incomplete data as a major issue (LinkedIn’s Global State of Sales 2022). So, better prepare before dialing.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll show you how to craft winning cold calling scripts (with real-world examples!) that'll have your prospects begging for more.

Let's get into it.

How to Write a Script for Cold Calling That Gets Results

Laying the Groundwork: Pre-Call Preparation

Okay, your sales rep is fired up and ready to start dialing, but hold your horses! Before you unleash your charm on unsuspecting prospects, let's make sure you're not going in blind. You need cold calling techniques to get the best results.

Think of this stage as sharpening your sword before battle. The difference between a clean strike and a clumsy swing.

First, research your clients.

Become a detective, not just a salesperson.

This isn't your high school research paper that you can just wing the night before.

We're talking about digging deep into the trenches of your target audience's world. Scour their website, LinkedIn profiles, industry news, and even their social media feeds. (Yes, stalking is allowed in sales).

What are their pain points? What language do they use to describe their problems? What are their competitors up to?

The more you know, the more relevant and valuable your sales pitch will be.

Next, plan how you can get inside your lead's heads.

This is known as "persona development".

Imagine you're writing a character profile for a movie. Your buyer persona is the star of this show.

Give them a name, a job title, a list of challenges, and even a few quirks.

Are they a data-driven CEO who demands results? A tech-savvy millennial who values innovation? A risk-averse manager who needs reassurance?

When you understand their motivations and priorities, you can tailor your script to resonate with them on a personal level.

Now, set a goal.

What's the end game?

Do you want to schedule a demo, secure a meeting, or simply plant the seed for future conversations? Clearly define your call objectives. This will not only help you craft a laser-focused script but also allow you to measure your success and adjust your approach as needed.

Remember, preparation is the key to cold calling success. By taking the time to research, develop personas, and set clear goals, you'll be well on your way to turning those cold calls into hot leads.

Structuring Your Sales Script: The 5 Essential Elements

Alright, you've done your detective work; now it's time to write your own cold call script that'll get your prospects hooked.

But here's the deal: we're not talking about a Shakespearean monologue. We're talking about a concise, compelling conversation starter. One that leaves your prospects wanting more.

Think of your sales call script as a well-designed house. Each element has a specific purpose, working together to create a harmonious whole. Let's break down the five essential elements that make up a winning sales cold call script:

#1 - The Opening: The Hook That Reels Them In

Your opening line is like the first impression on a date – it sets the tone for the entire interaction. Forget the robotic "Hi, is this a good time?" Instead, aim for something that grabs attention, sparks curiosity, and makes them want to keep listening.


"Hi [Prospect's Name], I'm [Your Name] with [Your Company]. I noticed you're focused on [Specific Area Relevant to Their Business]. Mind if I take 30 seconds to share how we're helping businesses like yours achieve [Specific Result]?"

Notice how this opening is personalized, relevant to their business, and focuses on the value you can provide. Even if this is an unexpected call, you can still make this a positive experience.

#2 - The Introduction: A Quick Elevator Pitch

Now that you've got their attention, it's time to briefly introduce yourself and your company. Keep it concise and focus on what makes you unique.


"We specialize in [Your Company's Specialty] and have helped companies like [Similar Companies] achieve [Specific Results]."

This establishes credibility and gives them a reason to trust you.

#3 - The Value Proposition: Show Them the Money

This is where you hit them with the good stuff – the meaty benefits that make your product or service irresistible. Don't just list features; focus on the results they can achieve. Having your cold callers include some kind of social proof can also help boost reputation and credibility.


"Our solution has helped clients [Achieve Specific Results] by [Key Features/Benefits]."

This is your chance to paint a picture of their future success with you by their side.

#4 - Handling Objections: Be Prepared for the Curveballs

Anticipate the common objections you're likely to hear (e.g., "I'm not interested," "We're already working with someone else") and prepare responses that address their concerns and highlight your unique value proposition while respecting the prospect's time.

The best cold calling scripts are punchy, concise, and maybe last a few minutes, leading to another follow-up call where the real sales can begin.


"I understand you may already be working with someone, but our approach is unique because [Differentiator]."

This shows you've listened to their concerns and have a solution tailored to their needs.

#5 - The Call to Action: Guide Them Towards the Goal

Don't leave your prospect's company hanging – clearly, state what you want them to do next to make it easy and leave little room for misunderstanding. Whether it's scheduling a demo, downloading a white paper, or simply agreeing to a follow-up call, make it easy for them to take the next step.

That's the goal of effective cold calling.


"Would you be open to a brief 15-minute call to discuss how we can help you achieve [Specific Goal]?"

This is your closing move, the moment you seal the deal and turn that cold call into a hot lead.

Check also: Top 7 Cold Calling Scripts for Car Sales (+Alternative to Cold Calls)

Customization is Key: Tailoring Scripts for Different Scenarios

Alright, you've got the blueprint for a killer cold calling script and you're well on your way to becoming a cold calling expert. But remember, one size doesn't fit all in the world of sales. Just like a chameleon adapts to its surroundings, your script needs to adapt to different scenarios and prospects. 

Lead Generation vs. Follow-Up Calls: Know Your Mission

Are you casting a wide net to gather leads, or are you nurturing existing prospects? Your approach will differ depending on where they are in the sales funnel.

  • Lead Generation: Your goal is to pique interest and spark a conversation. Focus on identifying their pain points and offering a solution. Keep it brief and impactful.
  • Follow-Up Sales Calls: You've already established some level of connection. Now, your goal is to deepen the relationship, provide more value, and move them closer to a decision.


Industry-Specific Cold Calling Scripts: Speak Their Language

Every industry has its own jargon, pain point problems, challenges, and priorities. Don't use generic cold call scripts that could apply to anyone.

Tailor your language and examples to resonate with your specific target audience.

  • SaaS: Highlight efficiency, scalability, and integration with existing tools.
  • Healthcare: Emphasize patient outcomes, regulatory compliance, and cost savings.
  • Finance: Focus on risk management, return on investment, and data security.
  • Car sales: Car sales scripts work best when you focus on value, the experience, and competitiveness of your offering.


By speaking their language, you'll show that you understand their unique needs and challenges.

Adapting to Personality Types: Connect on Their Wavelength

Not all prospects are created equal. Some are direct and results-oriented, while others are more relationship-focused. Pay attention to their communication style and adjust your approach accordingly.

  • Direct Decision-Makers: Get straight to the point, focus on the bottom line, and quantify your results.
  • Relationship-Oriented Prospects: Take your time, build rapport, and emphasize collaboration and personalized solutions.


By understanding their personality, you can tailor your script to resonate with them on a deeper level, building trust and rapport along the way.

Real-World Examples: Winning Cold Calling Script Templates in Action

Alright, enough theory – let's see those cold calling scripts in action! We've crafted three cold call example templates tailored to different scenarios, showcasing how you can put the 5 essential elements together to create a winning cold calling experience during your next sales call.

Example 1: Lead Generation Script for a Marketing Agency

Scenario: You're a marketing agency looking to attract new clients.

Opening: "Good morning [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] with [Your Agency Name]. I was on your website and noticed you're focused on [Specific Area of Their Marketing – e.g., social media, content]. Mind if I share a quick tip that could help you boost your [Specific Metric – e.g., engagement, leads]?"

Introduction: "We specialize in helping businesses like yours achieve measurable results through targeted marketing campaigns. We've recently helped [Similar Company] increase their website traffic by 30% in just three months."

Value Proposition: "Our approach is unique because we focus on [Key Differentiator – e.g., data-driven strategies, personalized content]. This means you'll get [Specific Results – e.g., more qualified leads, higher conversions]."

Handling Objections: "I understand you may already be working with a marketing team, but our services can complement your existing efforts and provide a fresh perspective."

Call to Action: "Would you be open to a brief 30-minute consultation to discuss your current marketing challenges and explore how we can help you achieve your goals?"

Example 2: Follow-Up Script After a Webinar

Scenario: You're following up with a prospect who attended your webinar on sales productivity, although this is the initial cold call.

Opening: "Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] with [Your Company Name]. I hope you enjoyed our webinar on [Webinar Topic]. I was particularly interested in your question about [Specific Question]."

Introduction: "We specialize in helping sales teams like yours close more deals and boost productivity. Our solution has helped companies like [Similar Company] achieve [Specific Results]."

Value Proposition: "Based on your question, I think our [Specific Feature/Benefit] could be particularly valuable for your team. It would allow you to [Specific Result]."

Handling Objections: "I understand budget might be a concern, but we offer flexible pricing plans to fit your needs. Would you like to schedule a demo to see how it works in action?"

Call to Action: "I'd be happy to answer any questions you have and discuss how we can help your team achieve [Specific Goal]. Would you be available for a brief call later this week?"

Example 3: The Best Cold Call Script to a C-Level Executive

Scenario: You're reaching out to a CEO to discuss a potential partnership.

Opening: "Hi [CEO's Name], this is [Your Name] with [Your Company Name]. I'm reaching out because I believe our companies have a shared interest in [Specific Area of Interest]."

Introduction: "We're a leading provider of [Your Company's Specialty], and we've helped companies like [Similar Companies] achieve significant growth in their [Specific Area]."

Value Proposition: "I noticed that your company is also focused on [Specific Area]. By partnering with us, you could leverage our expertise and resources to [Specific Benefits]."

Handling Objections: "I understand you may have existing partnerships, but I believe our unique approach and track record of success could bring significant value to your company."

Call to Action: "Would you be open to a brief 20-minute call to discuss how a potential partnership could benefit both our companies?"

These are just a few examples, but the key is to tailor your sales call scripts to each specific scenario and prospect. By focusing on their needs, building rapport, and demonstrating your value, you'll transform those cold calls into warm conversations and, ultimately, hot leads.

The Best Cold Calling Script Mistakes to Avoid

Alright, you've got your script down pat, but hold up. Before you start dialing and making cold calls, let's talk about some common cold calling tips and blunders and that can send your prospects running for the hills, as well as how best to avoid them. 

Mistake 1: The Monotone Robot Voice

No one wants to talk to a robot. If your voice sounds like it's been auto-tuned to death, you'll lose your prospect's attention faster than you can say "dial tone." Vary your pitch, inject some enthusiasm, and sound like you actually enjoy talking to people (even if you secretly don't).

Mistake 2: The Feature Dump

Nobody cares about your product's 100 amazing features if they don't solve a problem they actually have. Instead of bombarding them with technical jargon, focus on how your product or service can help them achieve their goals.

A successful cold call paints a picture of their future success, with you as their trusty sidekick.

Mistake 3: The "Me, Me, Me" Show

Cold calling isn't a one-person show – it's a conversation. Ask open-ended questions, actively listen as the prospect answers, and show genuine interest in their needs. Remember, it's about them, not you.

Mistake 4: The Wing-It Approach

Going into a cold sales call without a cold call script is like trying to navigate a maze blindfolded. You'll stumble, get lost, and probably end up frustrated. Having a script gives you a roadmap, keeps you on track, and helps you deliver your message with confidence.

Mistake 5: The Pushy Salesperson

No one likes to be pressured, especially when they're being cold-called. Unfortunately, many sales reps have developed this sales process, and it may be a hard habit to break.

Remember, you're not trying to sell (you are really), but from the buyer's perspective, you need to provide real value. That value doesn't need to be "pushed", it needs to be conveyed and showcase. Then, your products and services will sell themselves.

In most cases, if you come on too strong, you'll only push them further away. Instead, focus on building rapport, offering value, and letting them come to their own conclusion.

By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing the sales strategies we've discussed, you'll be well on your way to transforming those dreaded cold calls into valuable conversations and, ultimately, hot leads.

Bonus Mistake: Not Analysing Your Scripts to Make Them Better

And finally, absolutely make sure you take time to review calls periodically. Using a system that allows call recording will help you with that. 

How are you going to know if your script template is working, you're including all the details, and you are making phone calls that actually get results if you're not tracking the data and metrics and seeing the tangible benefits?

In the sales game, things change all the time, and your selling process as a sales manager, sales rep, or any sales leader needs to be a work in progress. Keep tweaking and editing your sales script, cutting what doesn't work and doubling down on what does.


There you have it. You've journeyed through the trenches of cold calling, armed with a battle-tested script and a newfound understanding of your prospects.

Remember, cold calling isn't about trickery or manipulation – it's about connecting with people, understanding their needs, and offering solutions that genuinely make their lives better.

It's about turning those dreaded dial tones into the sweet sound of opportunity.

So, take a deep breath, channel your inner sales ninja, and start dialing. Armed with your meticulously crafted script, you're ready to turn those cold calls into hot leads, one conversation at a time.

And hey, if you're looking for a powerful tool to streamline your cold calling efforts and skyrocket your success, check out CallPage. We offer a suite of features designed to help you connect with more prospects, track your results, and close more deals.

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