10 Things You Need To Check When Conversion Rate is Low
Do you struggle with your conversion rate? Thinking all the time what could go better? Our list may be helpful if you want to improve your situation. Check the highlighted parts and cross them out of your list. These little points can fix your strategy and boost your conversion!
1. Traffic
Does your traffic is targeted? Ignorance of your target audience entails either a complete product failure on the market or a significant increase in budgets to promote it. To increase conversion rate, create your buyer personas and prepare communication based on what your audience's pains are.
Read also: How to Increase Website Traffic - a Guide for SMB Business Owners
Are you aware that your website looks attractive? It takes just 50 milliseconds (that is 0.05 seconds) for users to form an opinion about your website that determines whether they like your site or not, whether they will stay or leave.
3. Convenient navigation
Is your navigation as simple and easy as possible? If your website is complicated to navigate, it is one of four conversion enemies. A good site is flexible, letting you adjust the labels and order of your menus because it affects traffic and search engine rankings. That’s why navigation resources should be thought out to detail.
4. Call to Action
Are you sure that it is easy for the visitor to understand how to accept your mega-offer? Go over your landing pages and scrutinize your call-to-action buttons, then make your call to action button easy to recognize.
Read also: Call to Action — How to Improve Conversion Rates with CTAs
5. Special offers and gifts
Do you show concern for your future customer and pamper them with promotions, special offers, and gifts? It is essential when browsing your site, users find some benefits (or interest) for themselves.
6. Information about the product
Did you provide sufficient information and enough details about your items? If visitors see a long unstructured text instead of briefly, useful and accessible information, it is highly likely that they will leave the site.
7. Content
Is your website content unique, exciting, structured and competently written? Focus on consistently posting relevant stuff that sparks interest amongst the potential customers.
8. Lead-Capture Forms
When it comes to lead conversion forms, are you asking the right questions? To improve your lead capture form conversion rates make it “user friendly”. It is enough to ask a user for only „basic” data: name, e-mail address, phone number.
9. Testimonials
Did you add testimonials into your marketing campaigns? Testimonials share benefits as seen by people who have already worked with you or purchased your products.
10. Customer service
How good is your customer service? When people hear how good your support is, they’ll assume that you do other things well, too.
Check all of the points carefully and then start applying changes to your strategy. Sometimes small changes make a big difference.
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